gypsy game of chance gambling on the toss of a coin England Uk
Gypsy annual Horse Fair. Wickham Hampshire UK. Gypsies playing a traditional gambling game of chance. Tossing Pennies, or flipping or spinning pennies. The spinner - the banker throwing two pennies into the air. Players bet on whether the coins will fall with both heads up, both tails up, or with one coin a head and one a tail, known as "ones". The man in the foreground is the 'banker' who throws the two pennies up. Betting rangers usually from between £40-00 to...
more » Gypsy annual Horse Fair. Wickham Hampshire UK. Gypsies playing a traditional gambling game of chance. Tossing Pennies, or flipping or spinning pennies. The spinner - the banker throwing two pennies into the air. Players bet on whether the coins will fall with both heads up, both tails up, or with one coin a head and one a tail, known as "ones". The man in the foreground is the 'banker' who throws the two pennies up. Betting rangers usually from between £40-00 to £200-00.
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