Spaw or Spa Sunday is a celebration held on the first Sunday in May, when the village wells are decorated and afterwards in the village community hall, traditional Dock Pudding and bacon butties are served. Cooked by Linda Swindells. A Spaw or Spa is simply a mineral spring said to have heath-giving properties, prior to the days events the wells have been dressed by local residents and school children. In 2019 about 50 local people attended and walked for about 1.5 hrs visiting all twelve...
more » Spaw or Spa Sunday is a celebration held on the first Sunday in May, when the village wells are decorated and afterwards in the village community hall, traditional Dock Pudding and bacon butties are served. Cooked by Linda Swindells. A Spaw or Spa is simply a mineral spring said to have heath-giving properties, prior to the days events the wells have been dressed by local residents and school children. In 2019 about 50 local people attended and walked for about 1.5 hrs visiting all twelve village wells. Midgley, Yorkshire, England 12th May 2019.
RECIPE. Fry chopped onions in butter until soft. Add well-washed & chopped dock leaves & nettle tops. Cook over a low heat for 20-30 minutes..(until tender). Stir in oatmeal & cook for a further five minutes on very low heat.Keep stirring. INGREDIENTS. Large pan of docks (sweet). Half a pan of nettle tops. Two pounds of chopped onions. Two large handfulls of medium oatmeal. Two large knobs of butter (to saute onions in). Salt & pepper. Dock Pudding being cooked by Linda Swindells. Foraged locally and made from a traditional receipt by Rema Sim. (Polygonum bistorta) . Midgley, Yorkshire, England 12th May 2019. « less