Putney, London, England circa 1995. Private education, a primary school classroom where children learn to taste food and understand food and where it comes from and what it looks like when its raw.
Primary school classroom children learn taste food
Putney, London, England circa 1995. Private education, a primary school classroom where children learn to taste food and understand food and where it comes from and what it looks like when its raw.

Filename: Kids school food tasting Uk 001 .jpg
Source: Homer Sykes
Date: 25 Aug 2014
Credit: Homer Sykes Copyright
Model Release: No
Property Release: No
Direct Link:
  • Putney
  • London
  • England
  • Primary School
  • Classroom
  • 1990s
  • 90s
  • Taste
  • Learning
  • School Children
  • Children