LONDON LIBRARY AUTHORS 1990s UK 00108252014.jpg |
London Library Author Members 1990s UK
London Library, London UK 1991. Author members. 1990s Uk
Taken March 1991 to celebrate the 150 anniversary of the Library.
John Letts, Philip Ziegler, Lord Norwich, William Cooper,Alan Judd, Jeremy Lewis, Ferdinand Mount, Claire Tomalin, D J Enright, A S Byatt, Artemis Cooper, Anthony Beevor, Raleigh Trevelyan, Anne Chisholm, Lucy Hughes-Hallett, A N Wilson, Caroline Moorehad, Lady douro, Lord Annan, David Pryce -Jones, Rupert Christiansen, Ian Thompson,Ashley White,John Spurling, Hilary Spurling, Michael Holroyd, Sir Nicholas Henderson,Douglas Matthews, Sir Charles Chadwick-Healey, Dr Francis Wheen, Joan Smith, Lynne Truss, Anthony Bailey, John Walls, Julie Kavanagh, Christopher Logue, Frances Partridge, Fiona Pitt-Kethley, Richard Hough, Chapman Pincher, C J Fox, Lady Longford, Lewis Golden, John Grigg, Christopher Sinclaire-Stevenson, Richard Usborne, Sir Victor Pritchett, Sir Kingsley Amis, Penelope Hughes-Hallett, Lady Hesketh, Peter Quennell.